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E.N.T. conditions and articular pathologies Benefit from exclusive care treatments featuring high-tech devices and the virtues of Moulay-Yacoub thermal water.


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Exclusive care treatments using high-tech devices and Moulay Yacoub thermal water

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ENT treatments and back and joints care treatments

discover our unique care treatments, high tech machines and the benefits of the thermal water of Moulay yacoub

At the Health Clinic of the Vichy Thermalia Spa of Moulay Yacoub, we developed 2 different programmes: ENT pathologies and the joint affections. 

Treatment of the ENT pathologies

The Thermal Water is particulary rich in Sulfur, and has important benefits during a ENT treatment for these different pathologies: 

  • Rinithis
  • Rino-Sinusitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Bronchopulmonary disease

treatment of the joint affections

For the treatment of these affections, our Health Clinic is specialist of those problems:

  • Osteoarthritis & Arthritis
  • Sprain
  • Pain after an impact
  • Postural problems because of inactivity or an excess weight

The protocoles of care treatments at the Health Clinic of Moulay Yacoub are comibining treatments which aim to combat pain and the inactivity. These protocoles have the goal to preserve and reinforce the muscle structure, and to win more amplitudes in movements. In order to guide you, our team has high tech treatments, using infrared rays and ultrasounds to fight against pains.